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  • VinceAdams

Observations from the Gate

One of the perks of bring a Frequent Flyer is the breadth of experiences and observations.  When I "started" this blog a year ago, my intent was to capture these observations real-time since I had countless hours in airports to kill.

Funny how things work out...

Now, a year later, I have expanded my goals beyond the countless words trapped in my head to the images I'd have the good fortune to capture as I traveled the world.  After numerous comments on "the Facebook" from friends who said they look forward to my pix from the road, I've put some serious thought (& a bit less serious action) into making these images more professional looking post-processing. I subscribed to Adobe Lightroom and off I went.

I hope the images can tell the stories when my memory fails me as some of the best are years old.  If this blog only serves as a record of my time away from home for my family, so be it.  However, if readers who are new friends have questions or would like to chat about stories or images, I'd be excited to expand the conversation.



Dec 10, 2017

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